(517) 750-4245
Our Beliefs
What does it mean to be part of a "Congregational" Church?
Christ alone is the head of the church
All church members are spiritually equal and called to the work of ministry
Every local church is autonomous and complete
Each local church is called into wider associations of fellowship
Believers are bound to one another in voluntary covenant
Every Christian possesses full liberty of conscience in interpreting the Gospel
The Bible is fully sufficient as our guide in matters of faith and practice and will inspire individuals and direct the church with fresh light and truth for every generation
Mission Statement
Modeling Christ's Love.

Our Heritage
On June 15, 1833 Reverend Jason Park preached the first sermon in the log school beside our present property. This was the pioneer settlement of Barry in an area then populated by Indians, bears, wolves and panthers. Nearby Jackson had only a dozen buildings. In January 1835, three years before Michigan became a state in the Union, this fellowship was officially chartered as the Congregational Church of Barry.
The church was reorganized as the Sandstone Union Congregational Church on March 4, 1869. The Historic Church was constructed in 1871, following a season of great spiritual revival. The stained glass windows were later hand crafted by Reverend Skidmore while pastoring the church. Although the town of Barry has since disappeared, Sandstone Congregational Church’s ministry continues now into the 21st century.
Our new sanctuary is located just south of the Historic Church Building. The new building was completed in time for Christmas Eve service in 2004. Sandstone Congregational Church continues to respond to the spiritual needs of the surrounding area. The enduring strength of Sandstone Congregational Church is not found in just the beauty of its facilities or the legacy of its history, but in the spirit of Christ’s love which lives in the hearts of its people.